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Change is the only constant. This is why the Yoruba elders say, “Because yesterday was not like today and today is not like tomorrow, the babalawo consults Ifa every four days.” Of course, not everyone needs to consult Ifa every four days, but there are definitely times when you will feel like your life is adrift. At other times, you may just want to clarify your priorities or get help making an important decision. Either way, when you need direction and focus, it is wise to consult Ifa.
If done correctly, Ifa consultation will help you create a spiritual life plan. The beauty of your Tiwa n Tiwa Membership is that you can consult Ifa three times a year. Based upon these consultations, you can create a spiritual plan that will give structure to your life while also changing and growing as you do.
In the activities detailed in the Ifa Consultation Guide, you can prepare yourself to optimize your three annual Ifa Consultations by making sure they guide and inform your Orisa Lifestyle Plan. The guide is available in the downloads section of this page.
Three Ifa Consultations, thirty minutes each, including:
- Detailed spiritual plans
- Offerings, and
- Observances
Set your appointment here: CLICK HERE